I am excited as this is my first Senior blog!
Normally, I do wedding and engagement blogs but, I decided to start writing a small blog for every session (or at least try to).
So for the first Senior blog, I present to you, Alyssa Weems!
Alyssa is a former colleague and classmate of mine at the University of North Texas whom I had a few classes with and also worked alongside with at UNT's student-ran television station, NTtv!
I remember when I graduated last December (December '2020) and I remember talking with Alyssa at one of NTtv's weekly broadcasts and I was telling her how I was graduating in a few months and she said, "awe man, lucky!" .... Well Alyssa, your time has come!!!
I am so excited and proud of Alyssa, although I never doubted her, as she is one of the hardest working students and individuals that I have ever met. She is driven, determined and excited about the field of Journalism and she kicks butt at it if I say so.
At our shoot, I met Alyssa's mom, Karen, and she was seriously such a delight. She was a huge help by carrying Alyssa's clothes and graduation cap and gown while Alyssa carried the more important things - the champagne! haha
Karen is Alyssa's #1 supporter and cheerleader and she is just awesome!
Congrats Alyssa and thanks so much for choosing me to capture your extremely important moment in your life and future career!
Go Eagles! CAW!
Thanks for reading!
---- Hunter